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The Continent of Arkandia

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty The Continent of Arkandia

Post by Nara-pyon Sun May 25, 2014 11:46 pm

Table of Contents

1 __ Table of Contents
2 ____ Caras Galadhon
3 _________ Sier Belen
4 ___________ Xieland
5 __________ Kreydon
6 ____________ Rheys
7 ____________ Kelxit
8 __________ Vintsand
9 ___________ Sieland
10 _________ Garnelia
11 _________ Sleeland
12 _________ Kelibrae
13 __________ Shiezin
14 __________ Elysium
15 __________ Wolsic
16 ___________ Jielam
17 __________ Poleria
18 ___________ Keliac
19 __________ Eausin
20 __________ Friesia
21 _________ Dolerum
22 ____________ Quir
23 ___________ Eaulir
24 __________ Gemia
25 _________ Illsbruic
26 _________ Kilemtor

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

Last edited by Nara-pyon on Sun Jun 08, 2014 4:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Caras Galadhon

Post by Nara-pyon Sun Jun 08, 2014 2:23 pm

Caras Galadhon

Races: Human, White Elf, Light Elf, Dark Elf, Fire Elf, Earth Elf, Water Elf and all blends thereof
Language: Common Tongue, though families often speak the tongue of their homeland amongst themselves
Climate: Six distinct seasons; Temperate; Mild near the coast
Politics: Geniocracy. Led by a Senate of 9.
Capital: Caras Galadhon
International Relations: Trading relationship with Earth Elven countries of Xieland and Kelxit. Tense relationship with Rheys (Humans) who has a habit of kidnapping people and holding them to ransom, no matter their race. Tenuous relationship with Sier Belen (White Elves) who are extremely violent. Freely welcome anyone to become citizens, especially those fleeing persecution, and free travel within the country. The borders however are protected, especially to the north, to protect from attacks.
Society: Friendly and welcoming to all. The only place interracial marriages are permitted, so most people are of mixed blood.
Size: 910 000 km2
Terrain: Northern Caras Galadhon is hilly and heavily forested, mostly coniferous forest. The middle of the country is mixed coniferous and deciduous and there the mountain range begins and goes to the south. The southern area of the country is mountainous to the east, flat to the west, and predominantly deciduous forest. The entire western and southern edges of the country are coastline; north is Sier Belen; northeast is Xieland; east is Rheys and Kelxit.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna:
Resources: They have the best technology of the continent, reminiscent of the Victorian Era, because the human half-bloods are often immortal and have many lifetimes to create things to overcome their human handicaps/inferiorities. Because of their varied geography, they also have many natural resources: water, fish and other water life, wood, mines of gold, silver, iron, nickel, aluminum, diamond, littinum, quartz.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

Last edited by Nara-pyon on Sun Jun 08, 2014 4:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Sier Belen

Post by Nara-pyon Sun Jun 08, 2014 3:19 pm

Sier Belen

Race: White Elves
Language: White Elven
Climate: Cold. Two seasons: light and dark, each lasting half the year.
Politics: Dictatorship. The dictator sends out armies to make sure his orders are obeyed.
Capital: Sierlan
International Relations: Closed borders. They have as little as possible to do with anyone, even other countries of White Elves.
Society: Violent even amongst themselves, and they have no tolerance for intermarrying. If one of their own people marries one of another race, they do what they can to destroy the entire family, sometimes even the parents of the one who married outside their race. Very much a hunting/gathering society.
Size: 187 500 km2
Terrain: Permafrost throughout the country. Towards the south there are some coniferous trees, but north is only frozen tundra. The furthest northern areas are snow and ice year round, even ice floes. Little to no fertile land. North western border is coast. East is Kreydon; Southeast is Xieland; South is Caras Galadhon.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna: Seals, polar bears.
Resources: Whales, seals and fish which they use for food and pretty much everything else they need. Homes are made of ice/snow.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

Last edited by Nara-pyon on Sun Jun 08, 2014 4:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Xieland

Post by Nara-pyon Sun Jun 08, 2014 4:37 pm


Race: Earth Elves
Language: Earth Elven
Climate: Cool year-round; snowy in winter.
Politics: Kritarchy: all villages and regions are ruled by a judge, though they are very peaceful and rarely in need of law enforcement. There is no one leader.
Capital: Nu'kemen
International Relations: Tenuous relations with Sier Belen; Cautious relations with Kreydon and Rheys; wonderful relations with Vintsand and Caras Galadhon. No real army, though every citizen is fully trained in case the need to fight arises.
Society: Very communal, where everyone helps everyone else. Friendly to strangers, though cautious.
Size: 125 000 km2
Terrain: Mountainous. There are scraggly bushes and lots of scrub brush, and there are a few places with small forests. The homes are built right into the mountains and the ground. Furniture is often carved straight out or the rocks the homes are carved from and is therefore permanent.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Some wood; goats and yaks from which they get wool, milk, cheese, meat and which serve as beasts of burden; certain rare berries; lots of mines (stone, gems, metals, crystal); excellent crops due to their ability to manipulate the soil.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Kreydon

Post by Nara-pyon Sun Jun 08, 2014 5:17 pm


Race: Human
Language: Arkandian Human Tongue (as opposed to the Human Tongue in the Four Lands)
Climate: Cold. The northern half has two seasons: light and dark. The southern region is consistently cold.
Politics: Anarchy: no national government, but each nomadic group has one person they follow.
Capital: No permanent cities, towns or even villages: rather the populace is made up of tribes that are constantly on the move.
International Relations: Largely ignorant of the people around them, though the White Elves have become the "bogeyman" of their people. They are protected by the Fire Elves of Vintsand, who don't want White Elves as their neighbours. They don't have trade between specific countries, but they will trade with anyone passing through. They try to keep on good terms with neighbouring countries in case they need help.
Society: Focus is on survival. Mostly friendly but protective of their people. Northern nomads spend winters in the north sealing/fishing/whaling, and in the spring go south to trade with other tribes.
Size: 187 500 km2
Terrain: Northern 2/3 of the country is snow and ice, the rest has some coniferous forest.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Furs and meat from seals, fish, caribou, foxes, bears; some whaling; agriculture in the far south; mines for iron and copper.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Rheys

Post by Nara-pyon Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:45 pm


Race: Human
Language: Arkandian Human Tongue (as opposed to the Human Tongue of the Four Lands)
Climate: Six distinct seasons.
Politics: Absolute monarchy. Provinces run by king-appointed sheriffs.
Capital: Zarnir
International Relations: Poor relations with everyone around them due to their habit of kidnapping foreigners and holding them to ransom, and then killing them if the ransom does not come quickly enough.
Society: Lots of crime, even amongst themselves.
Size: 125 000 km2
Terrain: Mostly forest, though some areas have been cleared for agriculture. Relatively flat, some hills.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Crops; fish in the lake region.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Kelxit

Post by Nara-pyon Mon Jun 09, 2014 9:52 am


Race: Earth Elves
Language: Earth Elven
Climate: Warm, towards the south is very hot
Politics: Monarchy, with judges in each province. No set army, though every person is trained to fight in case of an attack.
Capital: Racabed
International Relations: Good relations with most countries except Rheys (due to kidnappings). Keep a special guard along the border near Garnelia to help refugees but keep soldiers out.
Society: Friendly to all but cautious of strangers.
Size: 200 000 km2
Terrain: Northern area is thick forests; southern area is most escarpments with trees growing out of bare rock. The southern coast is a tall cliff which prevents any ports or fishing industry. There are many hidden caves.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Forestry, metals (iron, copper, coal, diamond)

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Vintsand

Post by Nara-pyon Mon Jun 09, 2014 12:14 pm


Race: Fire Elves
Language: Fire Elvish
Climate: Cool, four seasons: north gets lots of snow in winter, south just has a bit.
Politics: Monarchy and aristocracy: King rules in the capital, lords in charge of the care of provinces. Not a feudal system: the people are free.
Capital: Naurlitse
International Relations: Closed borders with Garnelia and Sieland. Not fond of Rheys but will trade with them. Good relationship with Kelxit, cautious relationship with Kelibrae. Pledged to help Kreydon in their defense against Sier Belen.
Society: Friendly to all, but cautious and prefer to keep to themselves.
Size: 250 000 km2
Terrain: Mostly forest. Northern border is coast, though it's usually ice. Southern area is forests, rolling hills, a few small mountains.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Fishing, sealing, whaling in the north, and from the blubber they have oil. Trees. Copper mines. Fire magic gives them the ability to make charcoal, which they trade to other countries.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Sieland

Post by Nara-pyon Mon Jun 09, 2014 1:42 pm


Race: White Elves
Language: White Elvish
Climate: Very cold, but seasonal winters rather than permanent snow.
Politics: Tribal Kratocracy: no set national government though each tribe manages itself, and power belongs to those who seize it.
Capital: None
International Relations: Entirely closed borders.
Society: Violent. Power is seized by killing the one currently in charge. They keep to themselves and strongly despise anyone different from them, whether in race or beliefs.
Size: 84 375 km2
Terrain: Flat. Almost entirely barren. Tundra.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Seals/fish/whales.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Garnelia

Post by Nara-pyon Mon Jun 09, 2014 2:00 pm


Race: Dark Elves
Language: A dialect of Ancient Tongue (now called Dark Elvish)
Climate: Temperate forest. Six distinct seasons.
Politics: Monarchy and timocracy: the Queen chooses honourable people to manage the various provinces, though they are all answerable to her.
Capital: Dekra
International Relations: Though they once had the best relations with others of all the country, they now have closed borders on all sides. However, they are in the process of changing that due to the recent overthrow of the former autocratic totalitarianism of General Durnen.
Society: Suspicious and fearful, but warming up now that they have a good ruler.
Size: 375 000 km2
Terrain: Hills and valleys; dense forests, mixed deciduous and coniferous, with areas cleared for settlements and agriculture.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Trees, game, crops.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

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Age : 39
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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Sleeland

Post by Nara-pyon Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:42 am


Race: Light Elves
Language: Light Elvish
Climate: Humid Subtropical
Politics: Monarchy and aristocracy: King rules in the capital over the whole country, but each province has a lord in charge of its care. Not a feudal system: the people are free.
Capital: Ansii
International Relations: Good with all countries around them, except Garnelia (due to the coup d'état)
Society: Very warm and friendly people, helpful to all.
Size: 500 000 km2
Terrain: Mostly forests. Towards the south it slopes down to a sandy beach coastline.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Forestry, furs and meat, iron, crops, fishing.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Kelibrae

Post by Nara-pyon Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:58 am


Race: Humans
Language: Arkandian Human Tongue (as opposed to Human Tongue of the Four Lands)
Climate: North is Arctic cold; south is warm.
Politics: Monarchy.
Capital: Ranomo
International Relations: Trade with Fire Elves (Shiezin and Vintsand) and cautious relations with Wolsic; otherwise, closed borders. Live in fear of White Elves.
Society: Prefer to keep to themselves. Some of them prefer peace, others will attack non-humans on sight.
Size: 240 000 km2
Terrain: Hills, valleys, some cliffs; predominantly forest in the south with clearings for settlements; north is tundra.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Wood, agriculture, fish and whales (north).

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Shiezin

Post by Nara-pyon Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:20 am


Race: Fire Elves
Language: Fire Elvish
Climate: Hot, dry summers; cold, wet winters.
Politics: Monarchy
Capital: Kirtuk
International Relations: Promised to defend Wolsic against White Elves in return for Earth Elves building their homes and cities. Trade with Keliac, Kelibrae, Wolsic, Elysium, and Sleeland. Closed borders to Garnelia and Poleria.
Society: Mostly friendly, though they're not overly fond of strangers. Don't mind interracial marriages, as long as it's not their people doing it.
Size: 375 000 km2
Terrain: Mostly bare rock with scrub, but there are some wooded areas. Lots of cliffs.
Unique Flora: Medicinal and magical herbs.
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Herbs, platinum mine. Rock. Some wood. Game.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Elysium

Post by Nara-pyon Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:29 am


Race: Dark Elves
Language: Dark Elvish Ancient Tongue
Climate: Rainforest
Politics: Monarchy
Capital: Lanaos
International Relations: Border trade with Keliac, Shiezin, and Sleeland; maritime trade with Kilemtor, Eausin, Eaulir, Kelxit, Caras Galadhon, Gemia. Good relations with all countries around them.
Society: Friendly and open.
Size: 93 750 km2
Terrain: Predominantly flat, tropical rainforest: southern coast is sandy beaches.
Unique Flora: Tropical fruit: oranges, bananas, mangoes, papayas, starfruit, passionfruit, durian, coconuts ...
Unique Fauna: Large brightly coloured butterflies, iguanas, monkeys
Resources: Fruit, fish, whales, sharks, medicinal herbs, wood ...

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Wolsic

Post by Nara-pyon Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:47 pm


Race: Earth Elves
Language: Earth Elvish
Climate: Cold semi-arid (exceptionally hot, dry summers; cold winter with mild snow).
Politics: Geniocracy: villages and groups led by elders chosen for their wisdom
Capital: None
International Relations: Trade with Shiezin; closed borders to Jielam, Kelibrae, and Poleria.
Society: Live in groups are friendly, but many are suspicious of strangers.
Size: 100 000 km2
Terrain: Extremely volcanic region; mostly rock. Very rough. Some volcanic soil which is richly fertile.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna: Fire and Volcano Dragons
Resources: Copper, gold, silver, lead, zinc, crystals, small amount of wood.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Jielam

Post by Nara-pyon Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:13 pm


Race: White Elves
Language: White Elvish
Climate: Arctic, polar ice in the north, warmish summers in south. Two main season: light and dark.
Politics: Tribal Kratocracy: power belongs to those who seize it, and that person manages their tribe.
Capital: None.
International Relations: Entirely closed borders; during summer, some overseas trade with Sieland.
Society: Violent. Strength is power. Ruthless even amongst themselves. Do not tolerate anyone different from themselves and kill non-White Elves on sight.
Size: 562 500 km2
Terrain: Tundra. Some coniferous forests in the south.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Fish, whales, polar bears - skins, meat and blubber. Some wood from southern regions.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Poleria

Post by Nara-pyon Tue Jun 10, 2014 1:25 pm


Race: Humans
Language: Arkandian Human Tongue
Climate: Hot, dry summers; cold, wet winters.
Politics: Monarchy
Capital: Tal En'Kalina
International Relations: Closed borders, but have cross-bay trade with Gemia.
Society: Don't like strangers but are amiable enough amongst themselves.
Size: 350 000 km2
Terrain: Forests in the south. Plains and fields in the north. Northwest is rocky and mountainous due to mountains to the northwest of them.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Fish, trees, crops, medicines (from experiments on people of various races).

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Keliac

Post by Nara-pyon Tue Jun 10, 2014 2:48 pm


Race: Light Elves
Language: Light Elven
Climate: Tropical Rainforest
Politics: Monarchy
Capital: Taurenim
International Relations: Excellent relations and trade with Eausin, Shiezin, and Elysium. Naval trade with Eaulir, Dolerum, and Quir. Closed border to Poleria.
Society: Warm and welcoming and friendly to Light Elves; distant and aloof to other races.
Size: 150 000 km2
Terrain: Mostly rainforest, and coasts are sandy beaches. Very fertile ground.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Huge fishing industry, both off-shore and deep-sea. Major untapped natural resources (underground metals) because of all the elves, the Light Elves most strongly detest being underground.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Eausin

Post by Nara-pyon Wed Jun 11, 2014 9:33 am


Race: Water Elves
Language: Water Elvish
Climate: Tropical Rainforest
Politics: Colony; Governed by monarch in Kilemtor.
Capital: Kilemtor
International Relations: Trade with Kilemtor, Eaulir, and Keliac. Since they are the same people as Kilemtor and Eaulir, they have wonderful relations with them. Otherwise they keep to themselves, though they are not overly hostile.
Society: Peaceful and like to keep to themselves as a race.
Size: 15 625 km2
Terrain: Western area is rainforest; becomes a plain as it progresses east towards the sandy beach coast.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Wood; mostly fish, whales, etc.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Friesia

Post by Nara-pyon Wed Jun 11, 2014 9:38 am


Race: Fire Elves
Language: Fire Elven
Climate: Northern area is Arctic and has only two seasons: light and dark; southern area has cool, moist summers and cold, dry winters.
Politics: Monarchy
Capital: Nor'ndor
International Relations: None.
Society: The people are happy and warm to each other but do not like strangers in their land. They keep entirely to themselves, which is possible as they are entirely self-sufficient and need no trade with other countries.
Size: 300 000 km2
Terrain: Three regions: Furthest north is permanent ice/snow/permafrost; mid region is tundra with scrub; southern region is forest.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Fishing along the coasts; game; trees in the south.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Dolerum

Post by Nara-pyon Wed Jun 11, 2014 9:45 am


Race: Dark Elves
Language: Dark Ancient Tongue
Climate: Humid Continental inland; milder on the coast.
Politics: Monarchy, with magistrates in each city.
Capital: Palurin
International Relations: Closed borders; protected by magic. Worst relations with Poleria.
Society: Warm amongst themselves but do not at all like other races and so try to keep them away from their country as much as possible.
Size: 425 000 km2
Terrain: Gently rolling hills; heavy forest even in cities. East coast is tall, steep cliffs.
Unique Flora: Healing herbs, which means advanced medicinal knowledge.
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Wood; agriculture; healing herbs; copper; iron; littinum; diamond.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

Posts : 4333
Join date : 2014-05-20
Age : 39
Location : Home or work.

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Quir

Post by Nara-pyon Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:14 pm


Race: Light Elves
Language: Light Elvish
Climate: Western area is humid continental; eastern area is oceanic with lots of rainfall year round.
Politics: Nomocracy: the law rules, and there is co-governance under it.
Capital: Lightholm
International Relations: Small trade with Illsbruic, but otherwise closed borders. Steep cliffs along the coast make naval trade impossible.
Society: People live in harmony with one another, focused on caring for the land. They live high in the trees. They prefer to keep to themselves to keep from contaminating the land, rather than their blood (though they don't like that either).
Size: 240 000 km2
Terrain: Flat land, thick forests. Eastern coast is entirely tall cliffs.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Trees, no agriculture. They are hunters/gatherers.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

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Join date : 2014-05-20
Age : 39
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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Eaulir

Post by Nara-pyon Wed Jun 11, 2014 4:36 pm


Race: Water Elves
Language: Water Elvish
Climate: Tropical Rainforest
Politics: Colony; under rule of Kilemtor.
Capital: Kilemtor
International Relations: Good relations with Kilemtor and Eausin, their mother- and sister-countries. Otherwise they try to keep themselves separate from others.
Society: Peaceful and like to keep to themselves as a race. Almost every family has young children, since the children of Water Elves can only live on land until their magic kicks in; then they move back to Kilemtor with the rest of their people.
Size: 62 500 km2
Terrain: Very thick rainforest, difficult to pass through, with the exception of the west coast where there is a single settlement.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Trees, medicine, crops.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

Posts : 4333
Join date : 2014-05-20
Age : 39
Location : Home or work.

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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Gemia

Post by Nara-pyon Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:54 am


Race: Humans
Language: Arkandian Human Tongue
Climate: Towards the west it is tropical rainforest; progressing eastward it becomes humid continental.
Politics: Monarchy
Capital: Taurn Ostar
International Relations: Tentative relations with Illsbruic; Neutral relationship with Eaulir; Closed border with Quir.
Society: Very much a farming society and as such there are a few small villages where people live, but the large markets are in the big cities. They are willing to trade with anyone who will trade with them and are a fairly open and friendly people.
Size: 157 500 km2
Terrain: Some forest, especially to the north; the rest has been cleared for agriculture and settlements. The southern coast is sandy beaches.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Crops of all kinds, but especially wheat; some forestry, some fishing.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

Posts : 4333
Join date : 2014-05-20
Age : 39
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The Continent of Arkandia Empty Illsbruic

Post by Nara-pyon Thu Jun 12, 2014 10:49 am


Race: Earth Elves
Language: Earth Elven
Climate: Oceanic (Subtropical Highland Climate)
Politics: Geniocracy: villages ruled by elders chosen for their wisdom. No national leader.
Capital: None.
International Relations: Good relations with all countries around them, and have some naval trade with Keliac and Elysium.
Society: Friendly but cautious of strangers.
Size: 100 000 km2
Terrain: Northern coast is steep cliffs but they slope down to sandy beaches in the south. The rest of the land is predominantly forest. The cliffs are full of tunnels, which is where most of the elves live. There are a few homes build into the ground as well, and a few are wooden houses found above ground.
Unique Flora:
Unique Fauna:
Resources: Rich in precious metals: diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, gold, silver, onyx. Wood, fishing. Coffee beans, cacao.

ToC / Caras Galadhon / Sier Belen / Xieland / Kreydon / Rheys / Kelxit / Vintsand / Sieland / Garnelia / Sleeland / Kelibrae / Shiezin / Elysium / Wolsic / Jielam / Poleria / Keliac / Eausin / Friesia / Dolerum / Quir / Eaulir / Gemia / Illsbruic / Kilemtor

Last edited by Nara-pyon on Sat Mar 07, 2015 12:55 am; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 4333
Join date : 2014-05-20
Age : 39
Location : Home or work.

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